Meet Jacqueline Tchouassi Audige

Your Compassionate Shared Experience Coach

For 18 years, I dedicated myself to Aumazo, serving as the founder, ED, and Business Coach.

Utilizing my coaching skills, I provided professional training and ensured staff retention.

These same skills also contributed to the growth and retention of girls in our program.

Facing divorce after 27 years of marriage due to unresolved marital issues, I took matters into my own hands after failed professional help-seeking.

I devised a recipe for Six Secret Ingredients, swiftly restoring harmony to our relationship using coaching techniques.

Now, I offer this solution to my clients, helping them avoid or escape the turmoil I once endured.

Over time, I've assisted over 100 + individuals embarking on their journey of self-discovery and restoring harmony to their relationships without therapy.

Having walked in your shoes, I bring a unique advantage over my competitors.

It's time for you to experience the transformative power of my recipe, addressing your relationship issues at their core.

No quick fixes. No guesswork. It's just genuine transformation.

Who This Is For: The Old Way

Recognizing the recurring patterns of discontent in your relationship is a pivotal step toward finding a resolution.
If you are in a relationship—be it dating, engaged, cohabiting, or married—and feel trapped in a cycle of dissatisfaction, you may need to grapple with persistent disputes despite seeking advice from friends, family, and professional help.
This persistent disappointment can leave you feeling frustrated and uncertain about the future of your relationship.
If the thoughts listed here resonate with you, you're in the right place.

  • Do you feel misunderstood at times in your relationship?

  • Do you argue and fight constantly?

  • Do you feel like talking to the wall when you speak with your companion?

  • Are you disappointed with yourself in your relationship?

  • Do you want out of your relationship?

Now, You Have a Choice: Embrace the New Way

  • Symptoms to Root Cause in 42 Days.

    Participate in my program to explore your emotional pain. The self-paced ingredients give you insights into your thoughts, feelings, and desires. Untie the intricacies of your inner landscape and confront the ghost of your past with my unique recipe.

  • Seven Group Coaching Sessions.

    Uncover exclusive TECHNIQUES to enhance your weekly progress during coaching calls. With my guidance, explore understanding and applying effective methods for inner depths and self-discovery. Unravel the roots of your relationship challenges, grow, and thrive with others. Take advantage of this opportunity!

  • Remedy.

    Uncover the root cause: We'll identify hidden issues holding you back. Breakthrough: Eliminate communication barriers and rediscover connection. Empowerment: Reignite your individuality and deepen your desires. Intimacy Unlocked: Embrace emotional and physical closeness with confidence. Strength & Resilience: Build a foundation to weather any storm together.


Effective and Simple Solutions: in 42 days, we will delve into the "Six Secret Ingredients" that serve as threads. Each ingredient includes supplementary resources, including various tools and exercises designed to enhance your skills and foster personal growth through engaging activities and additional Secret Sauce.

    Remember the spark that ignited your connection? We'll help you rediscover the foundation of your intimacy..

    Be your true selves with each other! We'll guide you in nurturing trust and cultivating genuine connections through honest dialogue and vulnerability.

    Sometimes the answers lie within. We'll help you tune out distractions and reconnect with your core values.

    Prepare to confront your challenges head-on. We're here to guide you as you face obstacles and unlock more profound insights into your relationship.

    Invest in yourself as individual and prioritize your well-being. We'll help nurture your individuality and create a foundation for a stronger relationship.

    Celebrate your growth. Walk hand-in-hand with your companion, empowered and authentic, ready to face the world together in harmony.

What Clients Are Saying!

For confidential consideration, we do not display clients' pictures.

“Through coaching sessions with Jacqueline, I gained: Clarity - The ability to talk through a situation in a judgment-free environment - Strategies for when necessary - Help to identify and dig into underlying issues (e.g., inner gremlins, limiting belief systems)”

Tara M. PHD, PP Coach

“I was angry and found myself blaming everyone except myself for the issues in my relationship struggles. Initially skeptical of Relationship Rescue Coaching, I felt like a new person after just a few sessions. I took responsibility for my actions. I no longer yell and scream at my children. We are playing and doing fun and collective activities. Through the program, JA Coach has helped me understand and love myself in a way I never thought was possible. ”

Nelly T. AG. Supervisor

“I struggled with self-doubt and negative self-talk before I started the Relationship Rescue Coaching program. I discovered that I was reacting emotionally to situations, which was getting the best of my relationship. I gained control over my emotions and tamed the manipulation when I identified the source of my upbringing. I now feel confident and empowered in my relationship with myself and appreciate my wife more.”

Stanis N. Lead Tech. Construction

What Makes This Program of Six Courses Different

This process is about uncovering your authentic self and rewriting the narrative that had held you captive for so long

  • Proprietary Process

    Unlock profound self-transformation and relationship insights through our simple but powerful process. Delve deep into your psyche, unraveling childhood attitudes acting as an invisible barrier. Experience autonomy without therapy, navigating intricate relationship dynamics with clarity and strength.

  • Budget-Accessible Pricing

    This Do-it-with-you puts your journey of self-discovery to thriving relationship above pricing. Our budget-friendly tier pricing allows you to choose from the basic tier, or Do-it-yourself digital course, at a lower price point; the standard tier, or Do-it-with-you, coupled with coaching, at a moderate price point; and the premium tier, or Do-it-for-you coaching, at a higher price point.

  • Client Confidentiality Focus

    Your privacy is paramount to us, a sacred trust we honor with unwavering dedication. With us, your information remains confidential and safeguarded during and beyond coaching sessions. Trust us to uphold your privacy with utmost respect and integrity. Rest assured, your trust is valued and protected.

Budget Accessible Pricing

Priority is to Your Journey of Self-discovery to Your Wealthy (Well + Healthy) and Thriving Relationships

One time Payment of the Six Ingredients or Program
Or Unique Ingredient Weekly Payment
Beautiful and Final Touch: Transformative Group Coaching Pricing

What They Said

A few clients' feedbacks are listed below

"Exploring openness and posing thoughtful questions has allowed me to uncover valuable insights about myself."

"I highly recommend JA Coach for her efficient and purposeful approach to coaching. I achieved my relationship goals with clarity and determination."

"My understanding of myself has significantly expanded. I make decisions aligned with my goals and values."

"Simply focusing on myself was very innovative to me, and I gathered great insights from her coaching practice,"

Harmony Haven Sanctuary Community

Group Coaching Sessions: Ready to Celebrate Victory?

Our group coaching takes your weekly course to the next level. Join our supportive community, find understanding and empowerment alongside others, and secure your happiness. Every Thursday, at noon Eastern, we tackle your lingering questions and refine the "Secret Sauce" to lasting transformation. Enroll now and wear your Victor Hat with pride!
Harmony Haven Sanctuary


If you have any, I mean any negative association to a relationship, acting in your mind as an invisible barrier, you will look for ways to flee from it. That's when Relationship Rescue Coaching comes in and help you peel back layers to uncover the root causes of your relationship struggles.